Dear Harrow Haikou Families,
Harrow Haikou Contact Form
Happy Year of the Tiger! I hope that you all had a wonderful Chinese New Year and that you and your family managed to enjoy the celebrations. My family and I made dumplings together on New Year’s Day to celebrate, and learn more about the customs of our adopted home.
As part of our journey together, the School will, on occasion gather feedback from our community and key stakeholders, in order to continue to make progress and to further develop.
As a key stakeholder, your feedback is vital to our success and in turn your child’s learning journey.
With this in mind, the School has developed a Harrow Haikou Contact Form which will allow you to easily submit comments, questions or concerns directly to the leadership team. This will be monitored daily by designated personnel, who will follow up with the correct staff member or department. You will receive a response to your feedback within 48 hours.
We will also track the data over time to look for trends and themes, this will give leadership the key priorities for continuous improvement.
The QR code is included in this letter, but it is also available on our School website. We welcome your thoughts, and we thank you for your continued support as we build our school into a vibrant, happy and proud community where your child will thrive.

Harrow Haikou Contact Form
QR Code