In Pre-Prep, children continue to develop essential literacy, numeracy and computing skills. Emphasis is placed on the enjoyment of books, the teaching of writing, and a deepening of understanding in Mathematics. As they progress through Pre Prep, children are introduced to more specialist subjects in Music, Physical Education, Drama, Computing, Design Technology and Science, all delivered through a thematic topic-based lens.
Each year group explores three thematic units of learning across the year, which integrate the skills and content in a creative blend. From exploring habitats and our own identity in Year 2 ‘Welcome Home’; to designing great inventions in Year 5 ‘Superhumans’; to designing their own dragon puppets linked to their work on castles and fairytales, our students learn through engagement across all subjects. Language bound to promote the advancement of spoken and written English, each unit comes with a unit overview or ‘Knowledge Organiser’ which is shared at the start of each unit, alongside weekly linked spellings and activities.
Our Maths curriculum, which follows the Chinese National Curriculum progression, draws upon the concepts and resources of White Rose Maths, and teachers use a range of tailored and age-appropriate manipulatives to enhance learning. Teachers focus on the quality of their questioning, and target misconceptions in their lesson planning and delivery.
Our English curriculum draws on Pie Corbett’s Talk 4 Write programme, where students are immersed in a language-rich and story-focused environment, where there oracy is developed alongside their literacy. Coupled with the internationally-renowned phonics programme, Read Write Inc., students are handed the tools to become confident and independent writers.
Science, Topic and Art are mapped out in an unique provision to link to the year-group specific themes and vocabulary and the Talk 4 Write text, while also ensuring progression of skills across the year groups is catered for. Students receive specialist provision in Music, Computing, and PE, and each specialist works closely with the year group or homeroom teachers to ensure these also align with the termly topic.

As in our Upper School, House plays a big part in our Pre-Prep. Students are keen members of their houses, and each one is tied not only to a significant historical figure who set an example in leadership, but is also bound to one of our Leadership Attributes, or iRules. Students take weekly House lessons or assemblies to focus on what makes inspiring, humble and courageous leaders, and their achievements as students are celebrated through this lens.
Students are offered the chance to take on leadership and collegiate opportunities through House challenges and student voice. Student council leaders from Year 2 to Year 5 classes meet regularly to share ideas and develop initiatives to be shared across the school.